Thursday, August 6, 2015

Is Luxury the Ultimate?

We live in a world that idolizes luxury. TV commercials are always telling us that we want luxury cars, luxury vacations, luxury apartments, luxury homes, luxury lives. Now, I'm not against things looking nice, or making a space beautiful. But is luxury the ultimate?

Take a look at this picture.

That's a house behind us. Does this look like luxury? Yeaaaaaah, probably not.

But let me tell you something about this family. They do have needs. Maybe that is obvious. Four of these children and four more not pictured live in this house. They are cousins. They live with their abuelita (grandma) and one of their mothers. Another of the mothers lives elsewhere to work. They make do; they are thankful for how God has provided for them (including how He has provided educational, physical, emotional, and spiritual care for five of the children through Compassion International); and they pray to God that He continues to provide for their needs. Notice, I say needs.

Now, let me tell you something else. When I visited this home in June--and it was a privilege to be welcomed here by the sweet abuelita--, do you know what I noticed the most? Hint: It wasn't the lack of luxury. I noticed the love. I noticed appreciation for simple things. They have a gorgeous view, which they graciously shared with us, off the side of the mountain. The sweet and adorable twins, along with their cousins and friends, kept themselves happily occupied with made-up games and songs about Jesus that they learned at the Compassion center.

I felt no lack of love here. In fact, this is one of the most love-filled days I have ever spent.

I look at the pictures we took there, and I don't see dirt floors, lack of things, and poverty.

I see the children and the family. I see a day that has formed my heart. I see luxurious love

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