Sunday, July 19, 2015


I was on the couch, settled into the corner, reading by the light of the floor lamp. As I glanced up, looking through the glass of the back door, I noticed how dim it had gotten. After a few moments more, my attention was diverted from my book once again as a patter commenced, soon joined by a flicker of light and loud, rumbling thunder. The hint of a smile came, and I was back in El Salvador a month ago....

We were eating together as the family we had become. This week was forecasted to be quite rainy, and we had been blessed. The only rain that came had come after our day's travels were done and we were back at our cabins. This night, we were sitting around the long table where we had eaten yet another wonderful Salvadoran meal. The conversations continued as we shared in one another's experiences from the day. The rain had begun to pour outside. Our ears were blessed with the patter on the roof, and we could see the drops streaming across the windows. Light was dim, per the time of day and the rain outside, and as we enjoyed one another's company, we could hear the thunder of the storm outside. The lights went out completely, and we shared the surprise together. I did not regret it. I find storms intriguing as well as a proponent of companionship.  Before long, even too soon, the lights came on again, and conversations continued and were wrapped up. We began the short trip back to our enclave of cabins. Some of us shared the joy of recognizing the beauty and power of the storm even while comforting those who saw it as a thing to be feared.

And as it stormed now, I could not help but smile as I remembered that stormy night. So awe-inspiring. So wonderful. And yet another part of that altogether beautiful experience.

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