Monday, July 13, 2015

One Month Since

Exactly one month ago--can it be that long?--, I began a trip that would change me. I left my emotional surroundings of worry, uncertainty, and unrest and took my 3rd, 4th, and 5th flights ever until I was out of the country for the first time (unless you count Canada).
Us at our first airport for the day at about 4 a.m.
I began a journey to meet someone who had been in my heart for 6 years, and I had no way of foreseeing the effect the entire trip would have on me.

In the past month, God has taught me so many things. He has added fuel to my fiery passion for the CI programs. The door to readjusted focus has been opened, making me re-evaluate what is truly important to me, where my priorities are, and what I do not need. My eyes are opened anew to the beauty of what God does in people's lives and how content that allows people to be--how content I can be.

He has caused me to rest in Him.

And every day, He has been working in me to bring forth a spirit of thankfulness for His abundant grace. While I miss El Salvador and my team and the people there every day, my mind and heart have been filled over and over again, daily, by memories and stories of my time there.

Just yesterday, as I rode home from church, I was thinking about my blessings and how gracious God is. I could not help but sing, in my heart: Lord, Lord Jesus, won't You come and fill me up? Without You, I feel--feel so empty. I said Lord, Lord Jesus, won't You come and fill me up? Without You, I feel--feel so empty. Fill me up 'til I overflow. Fill me up 'til I overflow. Fill me up 'til I overflow. Fill me up 'til I overflow!

I'm not sure I entirely expected Him to do just that as I sang those words with the wonderful children of Oasis de Amor. But He has. My cup overflows.

Fill me up 'til I overflow!-Singing this song with the children at OdA

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