Saturday, July 11, 2015

Little Buddies

Cristofer and Javier both gained sponsors during our Compassion International Sponsor Tour in El Salvador-actually, they both gained one singular sponsor. The two precious little buddies are liable to steal your heart; just ask Denise.

We met these sweethearts on the first of two days at their project. Both of them absolutely precious. Cristofer had a sweet, quiet spirit and smile. Javier had big eyes and quite the personality. I noticed them both very quickly. I wasn't the only one.

Later in that first day, we began the project of finding sponsors for several children from this project and the next one we would visit. Several of the sponsorship packets were snatched before they could go any farther than our group.

Denise had noticed these two and was moved in her heart to sponsor Cristofer that day. After filling out the packet, she had the special honor of being present when they told Cristofer that he had a sponsor. Our tour leader, Bobby, tenderly told the little boy he held that he now had his very own sponsor, this woman right here, Denise. Then Denise held him. What a sweet moment to see.

But it doesn't end there.

Javier didn't have a sponsor. So what did Denise do the next morning back at the project? Yes. She sponsored Javier too. The adorable thing? These two are absolute buddies. What a special thing to also share the same sponsor.

Sponsor a child today!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this Jenny. It was the most amazing opportunity and I am so grateful to God for allowing me to sponsor those boys. They stole my heart.
