Monday, June 22, 2015

Ask the Children

As I start off this blog, I would like to warn you that there are many stories coming. In the past week, I have gained so many first-hand stories of what God is doing through Compassion International (in El Salvador, specifically). Having now returned home, I am determined to keep on with what I have been doing through Compassion and to do these things better than I was.

The first step was to write more often to my sponsored child and the children I am a correspondent sponsor to. As I read back through some of their letters to prepare to write to them, I came across some quotes I just had to share. They are evidence of the impact of a sponsor and the incredible blessing of God through sponsorship to both the child and the sponsor.

"The Lord has been good, that is why when you came to his life, he could not stop being happy." ~the tutor writing for 5-year-old Emmanuel

"She also adds that she was happy to have read from you in January and that every time she reads from you she is relieved from so many things. When asked what are the things she is talking about, she says that she is relieved from loneliness and that she knows somebody cares for her. She says thank you so much."~ the tutor writing for 16-year-old Hella Atieno, a sweet and special girl who communicates using sign language

"...I want to tell you my hope for the future. I want to study much to become a good professional and have my own house and a big plot of land with many fruit trees. In the future, I also want to sponsor a child like you have sponsored me because you are so good with me." ~14-year-old Edgar Medardo

So if you wonder if Compassion sponsorship makes a difference, ask the children. And if you want to know if your letters make a difference, ask the children.

Sponsor a child today!

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