Saturday, June 27, 2015

I Would Rather Be...

I miss El Salvador today.
I would much rather be there than here today.
Tears have come to my eyes more than once this week as I felt the emotion of missing brothers and sisters.
And I felt that this emotion that "I would rather..." was not totally right.
Discontent is one thing that these people-my family in El Salvador-did not teach me.
It is no mistake that I am here right now.
It is no mistake that I live in the USA right now.
I must resolve:
Wherever I am, there is a reason.
Wherever I am, I have a purpose.
I pray I don't forget what I learned in El Salvador.
I pray I don't forget what I experienced.
I pray I don't forget the people.
I pray I don't forget the faith and peace.
I pray I get to go back.
But now,
I will live the purpose I have here.

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